Every Little Makes a Miracle ‧ Life Transforming Fundraising Event 2017

Metta's Sharing and Fundraising Event 2017 "Relight the Hope in their Lives" - Highlights

Rev Lo Lung-kwong – Chairman of Metta’s Board of Directors – shared how to develop the power of regeneration in Cambodia.

Mr Ng Shui-lai, a member of Metta’s Board of Directors, shared the relationship between social service and life transformation.

Ms Almond Leung, Executive Director of Metta, shared the stories of children in the centre.

Mr Kelvin Yoong, a businessman of Taiwan’s tea drinks, shared his observation of the needs in Cambodia.

Alive Worship Team taught the participants to sing Khmer song.

A girl from Gospel Church, named Lee Hoi-kiu, shared reflections with her dad from the mission trip.

Every participant that comes that day is very important to Metta!
